Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy

An Introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™: Making Meaning in Motion

This in-person introduction to Developmental Somatic Psychotherapy™ (DSP) explores the early infant movement patterns which form the relational base for how we interact as adults, both in therapeutic settings and everyday life. 

Heightening awareness of the client’s tactile-kinetic-kinesthetic experiences can create an environment from which the client can take relational support.   Over time this relational practice helps restore a bodily knowing, assisting the client to orient clearly and to maneuver freely through the world.

This interactive training combines theoretical and experiential learning, in the form of lecture, discussion and movement-based experiments.  

Teacher:  Jennifer Bury, assisted by David Dagg-Murry 

Date:  May 17/18/19, 2024

Location:  Ljubljana, Slovenia - Exact location to be announced

Information and Registration: Exact information to be announced